According to the Texas Education Code (TEC), “dyslexia is a disorder of constitutional origin manifested by a difficulty in learning to read, write, or spell, despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence, and sociocultural opportunity.”


Dyslexia is certainly hereditary. If a parent has dyslexia, there is a 1 in 5 chance the child may inherit dyslexia.

According to the International Dyslexia Association, as much as 15% – 20% of the population has some symptoms of dyslexia, including slow or inaccurate reading, poor spelling, and mixing up of similar words.

Dyslexia is not a disease! The word “dyslexia” comes from the Greek language and means ‘poor language.’ While individuals with dyslexia have trouble with reading, writing, spelling, and/or math, they have the ability to learn. We find that our dyslexic learners simply do so in a different (and oftentimes, more creative) way than others.

Common risk factors to look for if you believe your child may have dyslexia are; failure to understand that words are made up of parts or individual sounds, difficulty learning the letter names and their corresponding sounds, difficulty reading single words in isolation, difficulty reading aloud and difficulty reading fluently.
No, dyslexia and autism are two different types of disorders. Dyslexia is a learning disorder that involves difficulty interpreting words, spellings, and pronunciation. Autism is a developmental disorder where the brain processes sound and colors in different from an average brain
In most cases, testing for dyslexia is done by a licensed educational psychologist. Neurologists and professionals with expertise in several fields like psychology, education, and language may also be qualified to provide a formal diagnosis. Testing for dyslexia consists of reviewing relevant information, including oral language skills, word recognition, decoding, spelling, phonological processing, reading comprehension, family background, and more. There are no specific guidelines on who can diagnose dyslexia, so parents and families need to do some independent research to ensure a professional has the proper background in psychology, speech and language development. Fortunately, we offer diagnosis at Dyslexia School of Houston, as well, so we would be happy to help you if you suspect your child may have dyslexia.
In most cases, testing for dyslexia is done by a licensed educational psychologist. Neurologists and professionals with expertise in several fields like psychology, education, and language may also be qualified to provide a formal diagnosis. Testing for dyslexia consists of reviewing relevant information, including oral language skills, word recognition, decoding, spelling, phonological processing, reading comprehension, family background, and more. There are no specific guidelines on who can diagnose dyslexia, so parents and families need to do some independent research to ensure a professional has the proper background in psychology, speech and language development. Fortunately, we offer diagnosis at Dyslexia School of Houston, as well, so we would be happy to help you if you suspect your child may have dyslexia.
However long it takes for your child to successfully complete our program, but we are here to support our students and their families even after their time at our school. The majority of our students “age out” after second grade, in which case we love to see them flourish at other private and public schools in the area!
Tuition is $1,500/month + $250 registration + $250 supply fee

Depending on which After-School program your student is placed in, they will attend 1-hour therapy sessions Monday – Friday during the academic school year.

All language therapists are certified Texas Educators and thoroughly trained in dyslexia and related disorders. All of our teachers are systematically trained in programs for students with dyslexia as well as in instructional strategies that utilize individualized, intensive, multisensory, phonetic methods.
We are located in Houston at 3642 University Blvd., West University Place, TX 77005 in Suite 101.

The Dyslexia Handbook is available and free to download HERE