Delivering dyslexia therapy, alongside regular schooling, enables us to focus on students with the most critical needs, making a positive impact on the course of their lives. In collaboration with Scottish Rite For Children, Dyslexia School of Houston brings a new and improved curriculum backed by evidence-based research, proven to help your student tackle dyslexia. Our after-school programs include high-quality, highly effective, and multisensory dyslexia intervention to meet the specific needs of your student, fostering a supportive environment for academic growth and success.

We are proud to offer multiple dyslexia therapy programs to suit your family’s busy schedule. Choose from two of our learning center locations in Memorial or West University.

Explore our different programs or contact our team to find what program works best for your student.


BUILD: A K - 1 Early Reading Intervention (Kindergarten - 1st Grade)

TAKE FLIGHT: A Comprehensive Intervention For Students With Dyslexia (2nd Grade +)

BRIDGES: A Dyslexia Intervention Connecting Teacher, Avatar & Student (2nd Grade +)

JET: A Fast-Paced Reading Intervention (Middle School and High School)


We are committed to helping your child learn and grow no matter where they are in their academic journey. Dyslexia School of Houston offers open enrollment throughout the school year, as long as spots are available.

The monthly cost of all dyslexia therapy programs is $1,500/month.

Payment options are available to accommodate your family’s particular needs. You can contact us directly to discuss payment plans if needed.


BUILD: A K-1 Early Reading Intervention (Kindergarten - 1st Grade)

TAKE FLIGHT: A Comprehensive Intervention for Students with Dyslexia (2nd Grade +)

BRIDGES: A Dyslexia Intervention Connecting Teacher, Avatar & Student (2nd Grade +)

JET: A Fast-Paced Reading Intervention (Middle School and hHigh School)